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Listen. Breathe.

Our music is available for streaming on multiple services, including YouTube and Spotify. If you enjoy these tracks, please consider supporting us by making a donation in kind.

Caroling in the Light (2020)

This collection follows the emotional journey of the Christmas story from the Annunciation to the arrival of the Magi, and alternates large, late-renaissance polyphonic music with intimate Medieval carols.​


Sample track:

O Magnum Mysterium (2011)

Enjoy Tomas Luis de Victoria's masterpiece and view images of the universe taken from the Hubble telescope.


The Rarest of Gems:
Discovering the music of Jean Lhéritier (2008)

Time has erased much of what was once known about Jean Lhéritier, the composer we feature on this recording. We learn about him not through historical records, but through the product of his work: his music. His sacred motets are beautifully personal and expressive -- the rarest of gems.​


Sample track:

Complete Collection: View Notes | Listen on YouTube

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